
© Sara Popović 2020

Why become a member?

Membership is open to all who have an interest or practical involvement in aerial archaeology, remote sensing and landscape studies. By becoming an AARG member, you’ll get the community, network, resources, and information as well as a chance to share your ideas and research with other members.

As a member, you are eligible for participation in the different AARG Working Groups and the AARG Photoreading, taking place once a month. You will also benefit from reduced conference fees and immediate access to the latest issues of AARGnews sent by email. You are also eligible to apply for the various AARG bursaries.

AARG members are kept informed via email of the annual conference, publication of new issues of AARGnews and occasional papers, as well as the occasional day schools which are arranged for the discussion of specialized topics.

How to become a member?

Step 1:

Choose your membership status. Membership of AARG is open to individuals and institutions at following rates:

Step 2:

The next step towards becoming a new AARG Member is registration via the registration form which can be accessed following the link below:

Note: After you submit the Membership Registration Form, you will automatically be redirected back to this page to proceed with the payment of membership fee.

Step 3:

The last step is to pay the AARG membership fee.

You can make your PayPal payment by clicking the fitting button below, according to your preferred currency. Please choose the correct amount according to your status (individual, institutional, student).

Paying in Euro
Paying in Sterling

Other payment options

If you prefer, you can choose to pay your membership fee with direct payment. Furthermore, UK citizens can also choose to pay their membership fee by standing order. If you choose one of these options, please contact @ AARG Secretary and you will be provided with AARG bank account details.

Note: When paying by bank transfer, please ensure your name and reason for payment are clearly displayed.

Membership FAQs

When does my membership start?
If you decide to join after September, you will automatically subscribe for the following year unless you request immediate membership.
Can I pay membership fee in cash?
Cash payments are possible only for membership renewals, if you’re attending the in-person conference. In that case, members are encouraged to pay their subscriptions for the following year. This helps our administration enormously.
How do I renew my membership?

To renew your AARG membership, you do not have to register again. Simply choose your method of payment described above in Step 3.

When is membership renewal due?

Renewed memberships need to be paid in full before the end of February.

Members from the UK are invited to make a standing order payment with payment on 1st of January.

Can I cancel my membership?

No, AARG membership cannot be cancelled or refunded. By not renewing your membership by due date, you will no longer be a member.

The infomation I registered with has changed, what do I do?

It is your responsibility as a member to notify the administration (@ AARG Secretary) of changes of any information submitted when registering. This particularly applies to email address change. Old or incorrect email addresses will be deleted from the membership list when sent messages bounce back as a “permanent error, the message could not be delivered to the recipient”.

What do you do with my personal data?

We take your privacy seriously. Read our Privacy Notice to find out how we keep our members’ personal details safe.

If you have any questions concerning your personal data, please contact @ AARG Secretary.

I’m a paid member, but I’m not receiving e-mails from AARG?

If this is the case, please use our Contact Form to contact us.

What if I have membership question not answered in the FAQs?

If this is the case, please use our Contact Form to submit your question.

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